17 June 2012
Dr Daniel Mfonfu Independent Researcher
Bamenda – Cameroon
Tel: +237 677601207
Email: dmfonfu@yahoo.com
Website: www.mfonfudaniel.blogspot.com
Obesity oils contain large quantity of poly unsaturated and very long carbon chains of fatty acids as defined in my study ‘soya bean and soya bean oil contribute to obesity pandemic’ (Dr Daniel Mfonfu: www.mfonfudaniel.blogspot.com).
Non-obesity oils contain saturated, mono saturated fatty acids made up of short, medium, and long carbon chains fatty acids as described in the previous study mentioned above.
As a follow up to the study on ‘Soya bean and soya bean oil contribute to the obesity pandemic’ I thought it necessary and was motivated to make some detailed explanation and precision on edible oils in order to facilitate the education and the comprehension of edible oils by humanity.
Promote the consumption of non-obesity oils in order to prevent obesity.
List the obesity oils
List the recommended non-obesity oils
Show the graphical presentations of obesity and non-obesity oils
List the obesity oils and the non-obesity oils obtained from the initial study ‘Soya bean and soya bean oil contribute to the obesity pandemic’ Graphs are drawn from the excel table in the initial study to show the saturation content and the length of the carbon chain of the fatty acids in the various oils.
The obesity oils are: 1) Cotton seed oil, 2) Grape seed oil, 3) Flaxseed oil, 4) Canola oil, 5) Corn oil (maize), 6) Peanut oil, 7) Safflower oil, 8) Sesame oil, 9) Soya bean oil, 10) Sunflower oil, 11) Fish oil, and 12) Walnut oil.
The recommended edible vegetable non-obesity oil are: 1) Coconut oil, 2) Olive oil, 3) Palm oil, 4) Cocoa Butter, 5) Palm olein (bleached palm oil), and 6) Almond oil.
The graphs of the oils are presented below.
As stated in the introduction of this
report the obesity oils contain large quantities of poly unsaturated and very
long carbon chain fatty acids.
Our body manifests a discriminatory and
preferential approach in the metabolism of oils and fats. Oils containing a
large quantity of short, medium, and long carbon chain fatty acids are
metabolized easily and faster. Those oils having large quantity of very long
carbon chain fatty acids are metabolized very slowly thus they are stored in
the body as fats thus promoting obesity. The obesity keeps on increasing as
long as these obesity oils are part of our routine daily diet.
The products of these obesity oils –
such as milk, powder, dinks, etc – are not good for human consumption. These
obesity oils should not be used to manufacture other food items.
recommended edible vegetable non-obesity
oils - 1) Coconut oil, 2) Olive oil, 3) Palm oil, 4) Cocoa Butter, 5) Palm olein (bleached palm oil), and
6) Almond oil - should be routinely and daily
consumed in our diet in order to prevent obesity. The products of these non-obesity
oils – such as milk, powder, etc – are very good for human consumption. These non-obesity oils should be used to
manufacture other food items.
Daniel Mfonfu, Soya bean and soya bean oil contribute to obesity pandemic,
2012, www.mfonfudaniel.blogspot.com
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