Saturday, December 26, 2015


Dr MFONFU Daniel
Independent Researcher
Tel: +237 677601207

Obesity Oils and Non-Obesity Oils
Soya Bean Oil Contributes to Obesity Pandemic
Cholera a Kalemie et Moba
Yam Cultivation Without Traditional Mulching
Skin Rashes in Children &  Manyanga
Batibo District Hospital Surgical Complex
Cholera au Cameroon de 1971 à 1988 

Consumption of raw cassava leaves juice is not good for pregnant women because it causes congenital hypothyroidism in the new-born baby.
Congenital hypothyroidism (CH) is defined as thyroid hormone deficiency present at birth (Maynika V Rastogi, Stephen H LaFranchi).

Congenital hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland does not make enough thyroid hormone. The thyroid gland is a small butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck. Normally, it uses iodine from food we eat to make thyroid hormone. This thyroid hormone is also known as thyroxin (T4). T4 is needed for normal growth and development. If congenital hypothyroidism is left untreated, it can lead to growth failure, mental retardation and other serious health problems (Julie J. Gordon).

If the child thrives he/she will grow up to be a cretin. A cretin is one who is severely stunted physically and has a severe retarded mental growth due to untreated congenital hypothyroidism.

The author clinically diagnosed a case of congenital hypothyroidism on 22 September 1983 at Divisional Hospital at Edea in the Sanaga and Maritime Division in Cameroon. The treatment of the child with thyroxin produced such a spectacular recovery that spurred the author to document the case in 1984,with the consent of the mother of the child, in order to encourage clinicians working in areas with limited diagnostic facilities to always think about the existence of such a rare endocrine disease. A copy of this report was given to the mother to use for consultation as the child developed; she also provided me the pictures as the child grew up and permitted me to publish them.

In 1984 there was not enough literature to identify neither the cause nor the contributing factors to the disease; but as time evolved, the arrival of internet permitted me to consult literature on congenital hypothyroidism that provided among others the nutritional causes and risk factors of the congenital hypothyroidism. Of recent, community traditional believes and practices revealed that raw juice of cassava leaves is consumed by pregnant women believing that it provides blood to the pregnant woman and the in-utero baby. This traditional believe is being promoted by the increasing number of homoeopaths, naturopaths, and traditional healers in Cameroon. Even health care providers have joined the chorus by encouraging pregnant women during antenatal clinics to drink raw cassava leaves juice.

This traditional doctrine was greatly practised by the community at Edea; it is still being practised in that community and it is spreading in Cameroon. It is for this rapid growing doctrine that I am writing this report to draw the attention of health care providers and the community of the ill effects of noxious traditional believes without a scientific background such as the consumption of raw cassava leaves juice by pregnant women.

This article on congenital hypothyroidism will be based on the nutritional causes of congenital hypothyroidism. The references used in this article are meant to backup and prove the goals and objectives of this study for the good of humanity.

2.     GOAL
The purpose of publishing this article in 2015 on congenital hypothyroidism diagnosed on 22 September 1983 in Edea-Cameroon is to prevent congenital hypothyroidism due to consumption of raw juice of cassava leaves, and soya bean by sensitizing health care providers and the community.  

3.     OBJECTIVES    
i)                   Review literature  of congenital hypothyroidism (CH)
ii)                Present the case of CH diagnosed at Edea
iii)              Discuss CH due to soya bean,
iv)              Present “Bamenda huckleberry leaves” which is a save edible vegetable

4.     METHOD
The CH due cassava leaves will be demonstrated by the case diagnosed at Edea (Picture 4) while that due to soy bean will be obtained from literature reviewed.
In the previous documentation there were no facilities such as the internet to consult in order to obtain literature on the exhaustive causes of CH and pathophysiology of CH. Some books were consulted locally. Presently most of the references were obtained from downloading documents from the internet. The diagnosis of CH was made on the basis of a picture of CH seen in a paediatric text book ‘Disease in infancy and childhood’ by Ross G. Mitchell.

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